"Your shape and making" Christopher Moore's Shakespearean Fool Trilogy

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Sheila Cavanagh


Adaptations and appropriations are common in the Shakespearean world, as well as in numerous other fictional realms. Until recently, there have often been unofficial divides between such works emanating from professional writers and those crafted by enthusiastic amateurs. As Johnathan H. Pope remarks, Shakespeare appears in many adaptive realms, including a wide range of fan fiction constructs:

Authors rewrite Shakespeare according to the widespread conventions, tropes, and genres of fan fiction: Shakespearean slash, het, hurt/comfort, fluff, crossover, alternate universe, PWP, body swap, genderswap, podfic. . . there are Shakespeare drabbles, flashfic and Yuletide challenges, gift fics, 5+1 things, and Real Person Fics (RPFs).1

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